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Sparklines and Slicers in Excel 2007


Hello All

I have been using Excel 2010 Sparklines and Slicers for creating Dashboards

Now at work unfortunately due to constraints I have been downgraded to Excel 2007

1. Is there a way to still work on Sparklines and Slicers for creating Dashboards?

2. Can i create an excel dashboard using Sparklines and Slicers in 2010 and still open that without having Excel 2010 at work (Similar to Powerpoint PPS extn)

3. Is there a Sparkline/Slicer addin which i can use in Excel 2007?

Any help much appreciated

Thanks & Regards

Hi Ajoshi76

Slicers were first introduced in XL 10. They do not work in XL 07 I am afraid. This is not to say that there is not a workaround out there. There is a workaround for Sparklines in XL 07. Have a read of the following;


Take care

Thanks :) This was awesome and easy for Sparklines

Isnt there a workaround for Slicers?

Can we create dashboards in 2010/2013 and try and create a package like powerpoint so that it opens and displays the dashboard with slicers and sparklines
Instead of slicers, you can sync up all your pivots, so that changes to one affect the others. See the code I wrote for these two blog posts on the Contextures website:



And you can even filter ALL pivots based on that list from a combobox. Or rather, another pivottable disguised as a combobox. Here’s an example using a made-up pivottable that has a 'Fruit' column: make up a tiny pivot that just points to the Fruit column of your data source (ignoring all the other columns with sales, revenue etc) and then put the Fruit field in the PageField part of your pivot layout (aka Report Filter in Excel 2007+) and then just hide the rest of the pivot. Users see just a dropdown box containing all the types of fruit in your data, but it’s actually a pivot that will sync all the other pivots.

Let me know if this doesn't work on Excel 2007 - someone in the comments over at that link who was using 2007 was having issues, but I should be able to get this to work with some tweaking.

In terms of sparklines, in addition to the links posted by Smallman, check out these:



That 2nd one has a comment from myself that has some good pictures showing what is possible.