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Skyline Chart


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I am unfamiliar with Skyline Chart
Do you mean an Area chart or a Column Chart ?

can you post a picture or link of what you after?
Hi, buddy!
And I wrongly thought that you were going to upload another kinda chart... :(

Hi, AzadPadamsey!
If that of the previous post isn't suitable for your needs, what about this? It's a sky lined & pied chart. :rolleyes:Skyline Chart (fro AzadPadamsey at chandoo.org).jpg
Here is a snapshot of what I am trying to achieve.
Basically they are a lot of stacked histograms.


  • Skyline.jpg
    616.5 KB · Views: 63
Hi, AzadPadamsey!
Could you upload a sample workbook with the source data for building a chart like you posted? It'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you.
I don't have much to go by.I inheirited this file and I am trying to convert it to an Excel Chart.
Essentially,there are X amounts of activities happening per each time period.These are then stacked over each other.


  • MC Skyline for BPQuad204 rev.d.xlsx
    226.9 KB · Views: 81

Histogram just column chart with no gap.
So you can use any column chart.. with stacked picture.

In pre 2013 version.. try to search for highlighted terms in chart formatting tool.

12-04-2014 10-50-48.png

PS: I just got you uploaded file.. my be you can ignore this.. as you may need different picture with different text in each case.. and also conditional. may be VBA work..


  • Column Chart with Stacked Picture.xlsx
    17.8 KB · Views: 85
Hi, AzadPadamsey!

I understand, what you have here is directly a range that if printed would look like that chart you're looking for.

I think that you should have a workbook with three worksheets:
1) A raw worksheet with columns like "Date" & "Sub_Sys_No"
2) A table worksheet with columns like "Sub_Sys_No" & "Sub_Sys_Description"
3) A chart worksheet with the wanted output, for which I think that you'll need something like this:

Check 5th post by Andy Pope. It's nothing impossible to replicate but neither easy to do.

The one by SirJB7 refering to Andy Pope is the one I am looking for.I download the file.A little comlicated
for me.Any chance of creating a simple template for me to learn.
Thanks all for your help.
Hi, AzadPadamsey!
Neither now nor in the weekend, I will be almost unreachable and far away as I can from computers. If you can wait till Tuesday or so maybe I can be back with a template, but I don't promise anything since I haven't analyzed Andy Pope's code... and coming from him, well, let me see first.
A little comlicated for me.Any chance of creating a simple template for me to learn.
PS: Don't worry, for me too, I guess.
Hi, AzadPadamsey!
Maybe @Debraj(ex-Roy) finds the time to dig into Pope's link and get his hands dirty with the VBA code... it's the less he could do after posting that impolite first chart (but nice, I'd recognize it)... ;):rolleyes:
Hi, AzadPadamsey!

Started giving a look, and even if the static output is visually equivalent I'm not sure if getting involved with such a complex code primarily designed to do much more things than that, like handling different data sets, animating transitions among them and displaying floating shapes with individual data.

I'm analyzing other ways to achieve your goal in a simpler way.

Hi, AzadPadamsev!

Give a look at the uploaded file. It has the following worksheets:
BPQD204 MC Skyline: the damned output layout chart-alike required
Sheet4: for holding the old Sub_Sys table plus columns A:B, D:E & F, what are they for?
SubSystem: new Sub_Sys table in list form (nx2) and in matrix form ((pxq)x2)
RawData: actual data table from 1st WS, status table with format and pivot table for easy checking
SkyLine: new output

New WS are cyan tabbed and will be the only that will remain after finishing the project.

For the time being:
a) New Sub_Sys table in WS SubSystem, still with formulas for taking data from WS Sheet4, so 1st WS can't be removed now (later, after copying and pasting values)
b) New SkyLine output matching the old one, without formatting yet (haven't decided if by VBA or by CF -conditional formatting-)
c) No VBA code used, just dynamic named ranges and formulas only (but this will change with the formatting process, I guess)

Will resume about middle of next week, slightly probable on Tuesday, most probably on Wednesday, ... surely who knows.



  • Skyline Chart - MC Skyline for BPQuad204 rev.d (for AzadPadamsey at chandoo.org) .xlsm
    411.5 KB · Views: 125
Hi SirJB7,
These are the dates I would like to use.Basicaly the Total Number of Systems that fall on each date.


  • New System Dates.xlsx
    353.9 KB · Views: 81
Hi, AzadPadamsey!
A bit busy and couldn't finish it, hope to do it in the next working days.
Hi, AzadPadamsey!

Sorry for the late answer but been traveling the last couple of weeks. Let me shake the sand from my feet, get my hands on these things called keyboards and I'll get back to you soon.
