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Single Listbox selection to populate Range of cells from another sheet


Good day,
I have a listbox on my sheet that grabs the information from another sheet. I need, when I click a selection, to populate the information based on the range value from this other sheet and not the single selection. I mean I could do it by doing my Listbox a multiple view but that cannot be the case.

My Range from the other sheet(Sheet2) has data from A2 to C20 but I only need A2 & LastRow in my ListBox.List.

I need that when I select a selection from the listbox that it will add to my Sheet1("E3" as example) the information selected and the ActiveCell.Row info from column B and C from my Sheet2.

I guess kind of a Vlookup method.
I need that when a selection is made from the listbox to add the information in my cell but to also lookup the the information from that same row to add it to the next cell and also the other...

Example if 001 is selected then
E4 = Test 001
F4 = Info 001
G4 = Sel 001


  • Listbox.xlsm
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