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Showing actual pivot table in one screen

Andrew Lee

New Member
Does anyone know if it's possible to show a dashboard that includes that actual pivot table and not a linked pivotchart/graph.

My pivot table expands and has a lot more rows and columns than can fit on one sheet/scroll view. I reviewed the creating a dashboard with the scrollbar form control for just a dataset using the offset function, but that doesn't seem to work, since you wouldn't be able to interact and slice the pivot table.

Would I be able to make the pivot table scrollable using the form controls so that I don't have to scroll the entire excel window. Thanks for your assistance!
Thank you Deepak, I actually stumbled upon that article yesterday as well. it does help, but I can tell my generated pivot table is too complex for this example to be used, but it seems like what I am looking for is possible.

I will work on this and see if I can come up with a solution and will share for others to reference. Thanks for your reply!!