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Show List Of Active Users In Shared Workbook

Hi all,

Is there a code that would display the names of all the people that have a shared workbook open, within the workbook?

We have a document at work that is shared (and each of our names are tied to our log on, so when I go to Shared it shows me the names of who has it open) and I would like to have these peoples names shown in a cell within the workbook.

Ideally without the use of VBA if possible?
Mod edit : thread moved to appropriate forum !
Something this would show with VBA.
It shows time and Usernames.

Sub Show_Shared()
    Users = ActiveWorkbook.UserStatus
    msg_name = Empty
    For y = 1 To UBound(Users, 1)
        if msg_name <> Empty  then msg_name = msg_name & chr(13)
        msg_name = msg_name & Users(y, 2) & " - " & Users(y, 1)
    Next y
    ans = MsgBox(msg_name, vbInformation, "Users")
End Sub
There isn't a way to get user list into worksheet without vba to my knowledge.

For vba code, you can use .UserStatus property of Workbook.

Something like below as quick sample.
Sub test()
Dim x As Variant
Dim i As Integer
'Change Sheet reference as needed
'Clears Sheet before refreshing with current info

'Puts data into variant array
x = ThisWorkbook.UserStatus

'Loop through array and puts info into column A
For i = LBound(x, 1) To UBound(x, 1)
    Sheet3.Cells(i, 1).Value = x(i, 1)

End Sub