Originally posted here: https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threa...o-choice-to-change-results-displayed.1247332/
I have a sheet containing data. There are two dropdown boxes. I only want data to display in E4 & F4 once a choice has been made in the dropdown box in C4 AND D4.
When CT is chosen in the first dropdown, I want the subsequent dropdown to be looking through data range D5:D169. If DNN, data range D170:D334.
The difficulty I am having is that some areas have two different "Inspectors" and it's only taking data from the first range, even when DNN is selected.
I'm not sure what to do to get this working.
I have the data listed immediately under the dropdown box in order to utilise autocomplete, so the data will be in hidden rows once this is finished.
I haven't managed to get it to work and it doesn't appear to run as no debug prompts are coming up.
Can you see any errors in this/is this close to achieving what I need?
I have a sheet containing data. There are two dropdown boxes. I only want data to display in E4 & F4 once a choice has been made in the dropdown box in C4 AND D4.
When CT is chosen in the first dropdown, I want the subsequent dropdown to be looking through data range D5:D169. If DNN, data range D170:D334.
The difficulty I am having is that some areas have two different "Inspectors" and it's only taking data from the first range, even when DNN is selected.
I'm not sure what to do to get this working.
I have the data listed immediately under the dropdown box in order to utilise autocomplete, so the data will be in hidden rows once this is finished.
I haven't managed to get it to work and it doesn't appear to run as no debug prompts are coming up.
Code:VBA Code: ' Module containing validation logic for the VOP workbook ' Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' ' This event is triggered whenever the value of any cell on the worksheet is changed. ' ' The code in this event should be designed to handle all possible changes, including changes to cells other than C4, D4, and E4. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' If the target cell is C4, D4, or E4, update the validation list in E4 If Target.Address = Range("C4").Address Or Target.Address = Range("D4").Address Or Target.Address = Range("E4").Address Then UpdateValidationList End If Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Description End Sub ' Sub UpdateValidationList() ' ' This sub updates the validation list in cell E4 based on the values in cells C4 and D4. ' Sub UpdateValidationList() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim ParishList As Range Dim ParishCriteria As String Dim SourceRange As Range Dim TargetCell As Range ' Define the Parish list and criteria (changing A to E) Set ParishList = Worksheets("VO Areas").Range("E5:E334") ParishCriteria = Range("C4").Value & Range("D4").Value ' Clear previous data validation With Range("E4").Validation .Delete End With ' Set the source range based on criteria On Error Resume Next Set SourceRange = ParishList.Worksheet.Range("E" & ParishList.Find(ParishCriteria).Row & ":E" & ParishList.Rows.Count) On Error GoTo 0 ' Check if the source range is empty If SourceRange Is Nothing Then ' Display an error message if the source range is empty MsgBox "The source range is empty. Please select a valid Parish and Area." Exit Sub End If ' Apply data validation based on the source range With Range("E4").Validation .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:=Join(Application.Transpose(SourceRange.Value), ",") .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Debug.Print "Error in UpdateValidationList: " & Err.Description End Sub ' Sub UpdateD4FromE4() ' ' This sub updates cell D4 based on the selection in cell E4. ' Sub UpdateD4FromE4() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim ParishList As Range Dim ParishValue As String Dim TargetCell As Range Set ParishList = Worksheets("VO Areas").Range("E5:E334") ParishValue = Range("E4").Value On Error Resume Next Set TargetCell = ParishList.Find(ParishValue) On Error GoTo 0 ' Check if the target cell is empty If TargetCell Is Nothing Then ' Display an error message if the target cell is empty MsgBox "The target cell is empty. Please select a valid Parish." Exit Sub End If ' Update cell D4 based on the selection in cell E4 Range("D4").Value = TargetCell.Value Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Debug.Print "Error in UpdateD4FromE4: " & Err.Description End Sub
Can you see any errors in this/is this close to achieving what I need?