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Sharing a Workbook over the web


Hi everyone. I am looking for some advice on sharing workbook with others over the web somehow who all have read write access. My wife is doing a post grad course over 18 months meeting monthy/bi monthly and have formed an informal study group of about 12 students who want to track their study progress against the timetable, post issues/questions and email each other efficiently.

So I did up this groovy little almost dashboard type spreadsheet with lots of check boxes and conditional formatting (no VBA) and tried to upload to Google docs, you guessed it, too fancy and it stripped out the best bits. So then I thought Windows Live but similar problem.

Does anyone know if you can share a spreadsheet over the web allowing read/write changes to a group using the full functionality of Excel. Should I perservere with Windows Live - maybe you can open in Excel on there and save changes, close and the ext user will have to wait until it's available? Am I taking the right approach using a spreadsheet, maybe you can set up a basic blog and capture unpdate info from this update the spreadsheet and keep posting it as read only? This being an informal private group we naturally don't want to spend a lot of dollars or major implementation time. Should I have built the spreadsheet in Google Spreadsheet forgetting Excel and use it's features only?

We do have a website for our small business which we could use to link to the spreadsheet but I have no idea on issues like if changes update or hoe or even it the spreadsheet is reserved for someone else whilst it's being changed by another student.

My Google searches so far point to Windows Live - other solutions seem to be over kill so I thought if the forum could point narrow down the right options and approach I can take it from there. On the possibility of setting up a basic blog I have no experience or knowledge on this.
Hi John,

Not really my expertise, but --

- Zoho Sheet - http://sheet.zoho.com

supports VBA (only online spreadsheet to do so I think) but may not yet support conditional formatting... here's a sample sheet that uses the VBA Worksheet_Change event to implement conditional formatting "the hard way".

Supports collaborative editing.

Zoho also has an Access-database-like database application.

Microsoft's more expansive online offering is Office365 - http://office365.com - which includes Access database functionality like described here.

Google docs has the ability to setup data entry forms that add their data to a spreadsheet.

Maybe an existing project management platform, like http://basecamphq.com/ or http://www.comindwork.com/ or http://www.zoho.com/projects/ (first 3 in google results) would work well? All three have a free plan available.

The MakeUseOf blog focuses on free services... some interesting things on their collaboration index: http://www.makeuseof.com/dir/cat/web-services/collaboration-2/
Thanks very much Asa I will check out these options. This is a bit like a sporting club wanting to post a spreadsheet containing their future games and maybe past results all in the one table plus allowing questions to be posted except I am wanting the spreadsheet to be read/write so members do the updating. I will also check out wordpress as a blog option.. Thanks again Asa!