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shared worksheet, partly updated and locked by different people.


New Member
I'm the owner of a sheet which is shared by different people in the dept.Different columns are to be updated by different people. Each of the people should have a their respective pass words to update their respective columns.Please help
Have three sheets and then a final one that is accessable by you only that is a copy of all three together and shows all three columns.

Right-click on each sheet tab, select View Code, enter a variation of this:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized

If InputBox("Enter Password for this sheet") <> "ABC" Then Sheets("OkToSeeThisOne").Activate

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized

End Sub


this assumes the password is ABC for the sheet being activated, and that there's a sheet named OkToSeeThisOne to activate it in case it was the wrong password.


You can restrict the ranges using with Allow users to Edit Ranges option in the Review Button.

with that option you can set the password for each cell and ranges also

Hope it will clear

