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Search for future charting


Hello all and thanks in advance for the help!

See attached file.
-B:B will be the date of the data capture.
-C:C will be the dollar amount of data.

-A:A is being used to determine if the data is within the last 12 months of the current entry(last row entry)

Columns O and P will be used to transfer data over that is in the current 12 months to be used for graphing on a separate tab.

The syntax I cut and paste from a previous working spreadsheet. Just trying to make it work on this one.....basically if the Eval column (A) returns a "yes" than the data is current.

Thanks again for the help!


  • test.JC.xlsx
    16 KB · Views: 3

If I understood correctly, simply change "O1" to "yes".
Then, formula in "P2" must be completed by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter (array formula) instead of a simple Enter.
If done correctly it should display{...formula...}

Drag down afterwards to get all results matching "yes"