S Satish.digit Member Jan 21, 2014 #1 Is it possible to scroll Listbox horizontally with control scrollbar. Can any one help me on this.
Somendra Misra Excel Ninja Jan 21, 2014 #2 @Satish.digit If you total column count is going beyond the width of listbox, it will automatically add the horizontal scroll bar. Just try this. Regards,
@Satish.digit If you total column count is going beyond the width of listbox, it will automatically add the horizontal scroll bar. Just try this. Regards,
S Satish.digit Member Jan 21, 2014 #3 Hi Misra, Thanks for your response. I need this option for Control Scroll bar. Regards, Satish.
Somendra Misra Excel Ninja Jan 21, 2014 #4 @Satish.digit Do you want the whole listbox to scroll horizontally or the content of listbox to scroll horizontally? Regards,
@Satish.digit Do you want the whole listbox to scroll horizontally or the content of listbox to scroll horizontally? Regards,
S Satish.digit Member Jan 21, 2014 #5 Content of List box only... as of now i am using below code but itis moving row wise... Private sub Scrollbar1_Change() if scrollbar1.value <= listbox1.columncount -1 then listbox.listindex= scrollbar1.value end if end sub as per my knowledge we dont have option called Column index in vba. Please share your suggestions on this.
Content of List box only... as of now i am using below code but itis moving row wise... Private sub Scrollbar1_Change() if scrollbar1.value <= listbox1.columncount -1 then listbox.listindex= scrollbar1.value end if end sub as per my knowledge we dont have option called Column index in vba. Please share your suggestions on this.
S Satish.digit Member Jan 21, 2014 #7 This is automated scrollbar based on width of listbox. but i need control Scrollbar should linked to listbox. Attachments List Box Control Scroll br.jpg 48.5 KB · Views: 46
This is automated scrollbar based on width of listbox. but i need control Scrollbar should linked to listbox.
Somendra Misra Excel Ninja Jan 21, 2014 #8 @Satish.digit Sorry if I am taking a bit long to understand your requirement. What this scrollbar will do? Regards,
@Satish.digit Sorry if I am taking a bit long to understand your requirement. What this scrollbar will do? Regards,
S Satish.digit Member Jan 21, 2014 #9 No worries.. actually i have 2 list boxes in a userform and this scroll bar linked to those two listboxes. if we scroll the scroll bar those two listboxes should scroll horizontally (column wise)
No worries.. actually i have 2 list boxes in a userform and this scroll bar linked to those two listboxes. if we scroll the scroll bar those two listboxes should scroll horizontally (column wise)
Somendra Misra Excel Ninja Jan 21, 2014 #10 @Satish.digit I think you should take the help of VBA GURU's in this forum. This is beyond my knowledge of VBA. Regards,
@Satish.digit I think you should take the help of VBA GURU's in this forum. This is beyond my knowledge of VBA. Regards,
N NARAYANK991 Excel Ninja Jan 21, 2014 #11 Hi Satish , I have used a textbox instead of a listbox ; see if this helps. Narayan Attachments Satish_Example.xlsm 15.3 KB · Views: 87