I have a excel sheet with two sheets and having 3 data inside that (Emp code, Emp Name and Location)
Sheet 1 contains Format
Sheet 2 Contains Data File it contains three data (Emp code, Name and Location)
Now i want copy 1st employee code, name and location and paste in the Format sheet and save as excel file format with Emp code and emp Name.
Again the 2nd Employee code, name and location and paste in the format sheet and save as excel file format with emp code and emp name
like 3rd employee so on.
For example Emp Id M0001 , Emp Name John and Location UK like wise i want to make three excel workbook.
Attaching my sample file.
I have a excel sheet with two sheets and having 3 data inside that (Emp code, Emp Name and Location)
Sheet 1 contains Format
Sheet 2 Contains Data File it contains three data (Emp code, Name and Location)
Now i want copy 1st employee code, name and location and paste in the Format sheet and save as excel file format with Emp code and emp Name.
Again the 2nd Employee code, name and location and paste in the format sheet and save as excel file format with emp code and emp name
like 3rd employee so on.
For example Emp Id M0001 , Emp Name John and Location UK like wise i want to make three excel workbook.
Attaching my sample file.