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Rolling 12 week average pay - Need help please


New Member

I am new to this group but have had help before and now I asking again.

The issue I have is as follows -

Rolling average of pay -

Data Range - B4 - B16 on going up to B56 - people weekly salary.

A2 - A567 - Individuals Names.

I need formula which shows 12 week average rolling each week + shown on seperate sheet.

B4 - B12/12 =(). B5 - B13/12= (). B6 - B14/12=() so no.

But this is shown on Cell - C1


Welcome back, you should keep using the same Login and that way we can keep track of you and the types of questions you ask as well as you can track your own questions and answers

Why not post a sample file so we can see better how to help you?