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replace and color characters in a cell


Hi, I need some help.
I have a cell which contains: "term1 *, term2, term3, term4 *, term5 *"

I need to change this content to: "term1, term2, term3, term4, term5"

In other words change the color of the text preceding the " *" (and before ", ") to red, and remove all occurrences of " *"

Appreciate any code snippets

Something like below.
Sub Demo()
Dim x, y
Dim i As Long, j as Long
Dim fStr As String
If InStr([A1].Value2, "*") = 0 Then Exit Sub
x = Split([A1].Value2, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
    If InStr(x(i), "*") Then
        x(i) = Trim(Replace(x(i), "*", ""))
        fStr = IIf(Len(fStr) = 0, i, fStr & "," & i)
    End If
[A1].Value = Join(x, ", ")
y = Split(fStr, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(y)
    For j = Application.Find(x(y(i)), [A1].Value2) To Application.Find(x(y(i)), [A1].Value2) + Len(x(y(i))) - 1
        [A1].Characters(j, 1).Font.Color = vbRed
End Sub

Though I'd not recommend individual character formatting in Excel.
Another way. This one works on the selected cells, so select the cells you want to process before you run blah:
Sub blah()
Dim Positions(), cll As Range, xx, idxPosn As Long, StartPosn As Long, i As Long
For Each cll In Selection.Cells
  With cll
  xx = Split(.Value, ",")
  If UBound(xx) > -1 Then
  ReDim Positions(LBound(xx) To UBound(xx), 1 To 2)
  idxPosn = LBound(Positions) - 1
  StartPosn = 1
  For i = LBound(xx) To UBound(xx)
  If InStr(xx(i), " *") > 0 Then
  xx(i) = Replace(xx(i), " *", "")
  idxPosn = idxPosn + 1
  Positions(idxPosn, 1) = StartPosn
  Positions(idxPosn, 2) = Len(xx(i))
  End If
  StartPosn = StartPosn + Len(xx(i)) + 1
  Next i
  .Value = Join(xx, ",")
  .Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
  For i = LBound(Positions) To idxPosn
  .Characters(Start:=Positions(i, 1), Length:=Positions(i, 2)).Font.Color = vbRed
  Next i
  End If
  End With
Next cll
End Sub
Thanks for your replies - will try them and let you know.
p45Cal 'scuse my ignorance butI want to run this on the content of the ActiveCell only, so how would:
"For Each cll in Selection.Cells" read?

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Select only one cell, then run!
If that's not good enough then delete that line and its corresponding Next cll
Then change With cll to With ActiveCell
Thanks Chihiro,
Worked like a charm out of the box. Unbelievable how many nights I spent on this before I asked here for help - but I guess I learnt a bit along the way - maybe one day I'll be a Ninja too.

Thanks, much appreciated