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Relatively align charts and objects within a dashboard

Vivek D

I'm working on a dashboard for our Sales team. I've spent lots of time trying to align the charts and other objects within the dashboard so want to know if there is a way to relatively align them.

Chart2 should be 0.1 inches to the left of Chart1 and 0 inches to the top of Chart1.
Chart3 should be 0 inches to the left of Chart1 and 0.1 inches to the bottom of Chart1

That way if I move Chart1 Chart2 and Chart3 automatically move with it.
Two ideas.
Idea 1: Align the charts to the edges of cells by holding down the ctrl key as you change the shape. This will cause XL to 'snap' the edges to align with cell edges. Then, as future cell size changes, charts will change with them.

Idea 2: Create a dummy shape, a rectangle, and set it to proper width/height. Align the edges of your two charts to the edges of the rectangle, using it as a spacer. Set interior fill and border or rectangle to white/no color. Group all the charts/shapes into a single object.
Vivek D

In regards to Lukes first comment above, you hold the Alt Key, not the Ctrl key, as you drag a shapes edge or corner and it will snap to cell boundaries
Vivek D

In regards to Lukes first comment above, you hold the Alt Key, not the Ctrl key, as you drag a shapes edge or corner and it will snap to cell boundaries
Oops, thanks for catching that Hui! :(
Two ideas.
Idea 2: Create a dummy shape, a rectangle, and set it to proper width/height. Align the edges of your two charts to the edges of the rectangle, using it as a spacer. Set interior fill and border or rectangle to white/no color. Group all the charts/shapes into a single object.

With the 2nd option, if I change the size of a chart1, the chart next to it won't move automatically right.