Hi All,
I have raw data in below format around 20K to 30K rows and I need to rearrange the rows based on below mentioned condition :-
1) I need to filter on Ring name for example I filter Ring A05.
2) Then I filter 1 by 1 to ATN loop back column for example : I filter
3) Then I need to arrange interface description(colum G) containing "GigabitEthernet0/2/16" or GigabitEthernet0/2/0 always in starting(top) of the data of that particular ATN loop back filter .
4) Then I need to arrange interface description(colum G) containing "GigabitEthernet0/2/17" or GigabitEthernet0/2/1 always in Last of the data of that particular ATN loop back filter .
5) Then I need to conditional format the rows in two colors.
i) if its starting row and End of any different Ring then that row needs to be filled with dark grey color.
ii) if its starting and end of any different ATN ring then that row needs to be filled with light grey color.
6) If any of the condition not satisfied mentioned in point 3 & 4 then no sorting required, Just I need to marked those ATN IP in Red color.
I also attached the sample file and output result sample in below given link.
Can anybody suggest me any Advance sorting or Macro based solution for the same. currently its taking almost 2 days to arrange the data in this format.
Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions.
Note: I also posted this query to other forums too. if I get any solution for the same. will be share here too.
I have raw data in below format around 20K to 30K rows and I need to rearrange the rows based on below mentioned condition :-
1) I need to filter on Ring name for example I filter Ring A05.
2) Then I filter 1 by 1 to ATN loop back column for example : I filter
3) Then I need to arrange interface description(colum G) containing "GigabitEthernet0/2/16" or GigabitEthernet0/2/0 always in starting(top) of the data of that particular ATN loop back filter .
4) Then I need to arrange interface description(colum G) containing "GigabitEthernet0/2/17" or GigabitEthernet0/2/1 always in Last of the data of that particular ATN loop back filter .
5) Then I need to conditional format the rows in two colors.
i) if its starting row and End of any different Ring then that row needs to be filled with dark grey color.
ii) if its starting and end of any different ATN ring then that row needs to be filled with light grey color.
6) If any of the condition not satisfied mentioned in point 3 & 4 then no sorting required, Just I need to marked those ATN IP in Red color.
I also attached the sample file and output result sample in below given link.
Can anybody suggest me any Advance sorting or Macro based solution for the same. currently its taking almost 2 days to arrange the data in this format.
Thanks in advance for your valuable suggestions.
Note: I also posted this query to other forums too. if I get any solution for the same. will be share here too.