Hi ,
Not knowing anything about your business , I cannot really advise you the best approach to visualize your data. All I can give is an opinion.
1. You have around 105 items of data , which will have quantifiable information , that you will be collecting over time.
You need to decide which of these 105 items are very significant / crucial to give you or your management an idea of how your business is performing. Thus , an organization , in addition to collecting sales information , will also be collecting employee attendance information. However , the latter will be of interest only to the HR manager , and not to the Board of Directors.
2. Once you have selected at most 20 items of data , which are significant , you need to categorize these into categories which you believe are either related , or which will make more sense when they are related.
Thus , seasonal variations may be useful when you are looking at goods such as air-conditioners , whose sale is generally up during summer ; however , trying to relate sale of pencils to the seasons may not be a sensible exercise.
3. Thereafter , we can get down to how you wish to visualize the data ; do you wish to show trends , or do you wish to show significances e.g. do you want to show how sales have increased over the past one year or do you wish to show what portion of your sales is to the different regions ? Based on what you want to show , we can decide on the best type of chart for that representation.
See the following links for more detailed information :
4. The actual implementation of the various types of charts is explained in Jon Peltier's several blog posts at :
When you are done with all the reading , and have a difficulty in the implementation , please post back here with your specific problem / questions.