Hi, Nostalgia80!
First of all welcome to Chandoo's website Excel forums. Thank you for your joining us and glad to have you here.
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And about this question in particular...
Give a look at this file:
It works under the following assumptions/constraints/conditions:
a) Each image should start (top left border) within a cell of the row from which its link is gonna be assigned, i.e., images cannot start in previous rows (I assume that neither in later as it won't have sense, I guess).
b) It'll work on all shapes for which the name is equal or different from what specified in these constants: Like, ksPatternInclude; Not like, ksPatternExclude.
So for including all images set them to respectively "*" and "", for including all except command buttons (defined as cmdXXXX) set them to "*" and "cmd*", for including all with "Picture" in the name only set them to "*Picture*" and "", ...
c) All link addresses must be in the same column, specified by constant kiLinkColumn, and maybe absent and then that particular image won't get a link.
This is the code behind the macro:
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAddLinksToImages_Click()
' constants
Const ksPatternInclude = "*Picture*"
Const ksPatternExclude = "cmd*"
Const kiLinkColumn = 3
' declarations
Dim I As Long, J As Long, S As String, bOk As Boolean
' start
' process
With ActiveSheet
For I = 1 To .Shapes.Count
S = .Shapes(I).Name
bOk = (S Like ksPatternInclude) And Not (S Like ksPatternExclude)
If bOk Then
J = .Shapes(I).TopLeftCell.Row
If .Cells(J, 1).Value <> "" Then
If .Cells(J, kiLinkColumn).Value <> "" Then
.Hyperlinks.Add .Shapes(I), .Cells(J, kiLinkColumn).Value
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
Next I
End With
' end
End Sub
Just advise if any issue.
PS: Looking at the code I now realize that the sort part could be omitted (that happens when one extracts things from other projects)
PS2: And the load too, then? Let me check it.
PS3: Yes, file uploaded again and shortened code updated.