For stock option trading there is a chart called a "Profit-and-Loss" form. I would like to create a template in xl and use during my analysis.
The form consists of vertical scale and horizontal scale. The vert scale (y-axis) is left justified and starting from the bottom and working to the top would have increments of -10, -5, 0, +5, +10. The horiz scale (x-axis) would extend from the 0 increment to the right as a solid horiz line. This horiz line would be divided evenly into 6-8 sections.
For the horiz line the major lines would be the evenly divided sections. This would form a grid. I would also like to subdivide these lines for better accuracy. I would like to have the major lines displayed as dark lines and the minor lines displayed as a lighter line when I print the form.
+10 |----------------------- <== these are the major lines
+5 |-----------------------
0 |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| <== I want to extend these increments to form the grid.
-5 |-----------------------
| <== can I add vert lines that will print lighter?
-10 |-----------------------
Any ideas on this? Is there something in xl that is close to this that I could use.
I'm trying to come up with a form that looks nice but can't seem to pull it together.
The form consists of vertical scale and horizontal scale. The vert scale (y-axis) is left justified and starting from the bottom and working to the top would have increments of -10, -5, 0, +5, +10. The horiz scale (x-axis) would extend from the 0 increment to the right as a solid horiz line. This horiz line would be divided evenly into 6-8 sections.
For the horiz line the major lines would be the evenly divided sections. This would form a grid. I would also like to subdivide these lines for better accuracy. I would like to have the major lines displayed as dark lines and the minor lines displayed as a lighter line when I print the form.
+10 |----------------------- <== these are the major lines
+5 |-----------------------
0 |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| <== I want to extend these increments to form the grid.
-5 |-----------------------
| <== can I add vert lines that will print lighter?
-10 |-----------------------
Any ideas on this? Is there something in xl that is close to this that I could use.
I'm trying to come up with a form that looks nice but can't seem to pull it together.