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Problem in creating a formulaic solution to avoid iteratative calculation to allocate values


New Member
I am trying to replace a long iterative calculation with a simple formula as explained within the attached spreadsheet. ideally it will be done with formulas rather than macros, but any solution would be appreciated.

thanks much


  • spreadsheet2.xlsx
    14.5 KB · Views: 6
Hi Oren ,

Going by your explanation , since it involves iteration , I think a macro will be far more simple compared to formulae.

Any help in devising the solution would then be appreciated. let me know if my problem is articulated clearly enough.
Hi Oren ,

The problem is clearly stated , no problem.

To test the macro , at least 20 to 50 rows of data would be required , so that there is enough variety ; if you can upload a file with some real data , not made-up values , that would help.

It would be nice if you could upload a file where you have already manually worked out the outputs , so that what ever results are obtained with the macro can be cross-checked with the manually obtained results.
