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HI chandoo.
My Pivot table does NOT bring up the 'unique' data that corresponds with my filter
In the attched file you'll see under the 'Invoices' sheet, a pivot table that attempts to bring and combine data from two tables. The link ( relationship ) is correct though. In this 'Rental Property" database, I want to combine the Lease Number with the Tenant ID and from the 'Tenants' Table , i want to bring across the last and first name, but unfortunately it lists ALL the Last Names , rather than the one 'specifically' selected. NOT sure what is that i am doing wrong?. I 'd appreciate your help? . Thanksing you in advance. regards Martin


  • CMA Realty LMV Database Program-Current.xlsm
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Well... you don't have any value field to evaluate.

Just add some field from T_Leases in Value field (Ex: Count of Agent etc).

Have a read of related topic discussed in link. Specifically Post#11 to 17.
HI Chihiro. Thanks a lot ! it works like you say. Which text book can i read to understand this issue of Fact and dimension tables. ? Although your suggestion works , I still do not understand what is the problem , and i would like to read more to avoid making these mistakes in the future. Thanks so much. Kind Regards . Martin
Go read up the link I gave you. It discusses in detail what caused this issue.
As for difference between Fact vs Dimension tables... see links.