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Pivot Tables Report filter

David Evans

Active Member
Can you reference the value of the report filter using GetPivotData, or something similar? if you just reference the cell, and you change the table, that reference is lost.
I've been looking for info on it to little avail ...
I don't think there's a way to do this with get pivot data and I can't really think of another way to do this.

My "best practice" for this is to just express the whole pivot table and make clever use of grouping instead of messing with the filters.
I don't think there's a way to do this with get pivot data and I can't really think of another way to do this.

My "best practice" for this is to just express the whole pivot table and make clever use of grouping instead of messing with the filters.

I believe you are correct about the GetPivotData - I think I can do it via VBA as I'm able to use VBA to set the Report filter Value in another model ...

Thank you for giving it some thought - Appreciated!
iirc, you set the pivot table filter by addressing the cell where the pivot table is---that's fine---but still if you change the pivot table like reordering the filter you might just end up with the same problem in your initial post.