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Pivot table help


New Member
Hi All

I need help in Pivot tables. I have data as follows

Patient Visit Date

1 1 01 Jan

1 2 02 Jan

1 3 03 Jan

2 1 15 Jan

2 2 17 Jan

I want to create a Pivot as follows

Patients in the row label, Visit in the column label and raw data of dates in data area instead of their sum/counts.

Does someone know a work around?


The table structure may not be clear in the post above.. trying again

Patient      Visit 	Date
1	       1	01 Jan
1	       2	02 Jan
1	       3	03 Jan
2	       1	15 Jan
2	       2	17 Jan
Hi coolcarnee,

Can yo tell us the end use of this problem as we will be able to advice you something more suitable for your problem? How will you use this data if you got it in this desired outfit??

Just to spot the trends. Latest visits received for each patients and how many more to go in each of them.. From there use formualae to get the future extrapolated dates..
I think you can do it by sorting the data:

1. First sort the data for Patients, from smallest to larges.

2. Second sort the data for Visits, from smallest to larges.

..there is no need for pivot table since you don't want to count or sum visits.
