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Pivot Table Calculated field


New Member
I cannot find a way to create a calculated field in pivot table that mutiplies 2 columns (eg Qty * price)

I want to calculate Qty * price for each row and sum the result.

Instead I get Sum of Qty * Sum of Price

Have tried sumproduct

See Example below


Product Qty Price Required result

a 2 10 20

a 5 23 115

d 6 21 126 Values

f 7 45 315 Row Labels Sumof Field1

r 9 67 603 a 231 231 231

c 4 56 224 b 28 28 28

b 7 4 28 c 224 224 224

d 8 78 624 d 1386 1386 1386

t 9 9 81 f 477 477 477

f 2 8 16 r 603 603 603

t 81 81 81

Sum product 2152 2152 231 231 231

Grand Total 23364 23364 23364

Total product s/ba 135

d 750 Field1 =Qty*Price

Field2 = SUMPRODUCT(Qty,Price)

7 33 231 Field3 = SUM(Qty*Price)
You may need to add a column to your regular data that does the operation, and then include that new column in your PivotTable.