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Outlook Attachments Download on bulk

Tejpal Bisht

New Member
I have a VBA code which helps me to download the Outlook attachment with particular outlook folder on behalf of certain data in ROW 5 (includes : Location and Folder), this code is running fine for single email but now I am receiving email on bulk, so I am trying to running the below macro on loop for every sets of data but can someone help me to sorted this

Note: I need to collect the data first on excel because there no particular email format we are using and then behalf of that data we need to save document different location

>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub Folder()
FinalRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For I = 5 To FinalRow
vPath = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("D" & I).Value
vName = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A" & I).Value
vCede = UCase(Range("B" & I).Value)
vDates = Replace(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("C" & I).Value, "", " ")
vMakeFolder = vPath & vName & " " & vCede & " " & vDates
MkDir vMakeFolder
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\1 Submission Data"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\2 Correspondence"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\3 GC Signed Certs_CN_Endt_ Binders_Interim"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\4 Market Certs_CN"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\4 Market Certs_CN\Market 1"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\4 Market Certs_CN\Market 2"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\5 Policy and Endts"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\6 Invoice"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\7 Compliance"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\8 Diaries"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\9 Claims"
MkDir vMakeFolder & "\9 Claims\1 Underwriting_Submission"

Call MailAttachment

Exit For

Next I

MsgBox "Done"

End Sub

Sub MailAttachment()
Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OlFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim OlNs As Outlook.Namespace
Dim OlMailItems As Object
Dim OlMailItem As Object
Dim DestPath As String
Dim I As Long
Set OlApp = New Outlook.Application
Set OlNs = OlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set OlFolder = OlNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders(Range("b2").Value)
DestPath = Range("e5").Value
Set OlMailItems = OlFolder.Items
For Each OlMailItem In OlMailItems
    For I = 1 To OlMailItem.Attachments.Count
        Range("a100000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
        OlMailItem.Attachments.Item(I).SaveAsFile DestPath & OlMailItem.Attachments.Item(I).Filename
    Next I

End Sub
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