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Need help in combination of Sendkeys for macros

Dear Team,

Good day!

Need your assistance in macro;

In macros, I need to use below sendkeys command;

(^ {Tab}) then {RIGHT} {RIGHT}

In simple words, first I want to give keys for "CTRL + TAB" then after holding these together I want to press 2 times RIGHT arrow key commands.

I tried various methods but it won't work.

Please check and help me.

Thanks in advance.

Application.SendKeys ("^{TAB}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}")
Thanks Logit !

But this code is not working.

The codes is working separately I guess...

Application.SendKeys ( ("^{TAB}) ({RIGHT}{RIGHT}) ")

I need similar like above wherein I have to press 2 rights buttons but holding Ctrl+Tab first.

Similer like we are pressing Ctrl+V.

Hello, according to VBA help you should put all the keys in combo with Ctrl key in parenthesis …​
Hello Logit and Marc!

Good day!

Thanks for your efforts and time...

I have tried multiple attempts but no solution found.

Hence, I have to work to find some alternative solution.

In macros, I need to use below sendkeys command;

(^ {Tab}) then {RIGHT} {RIGHT}

In simple words, first I want to give keys for "CTRL + TAB" then after holding these together I want to press 2 times RIGHT arrow key commands.
Would this do the same?:
If not, under what circumstances are you wanting to execute these sendkeys? Another application? A dialogue box?
There may be the same thing with quite different code.