Hello all,
Can somebody make this happen for "case INsensitive" ? ... and some wild cards also ...
Thank you so much !
Can somebody make this happen for "case INsensitive" ? ... and some wild cards also ...
dim myarray, oldTxtArray, newTxtArray
dim a, b as integer
MyArray = array("some","random","stuff","This","tExTing","waNtInG")
oldTxtArray = array("no","want??","this","text*")
newTxtArray = array("do","love","new","text")
for a = lbound(Myarray) to ubound(myarray)
for b = lbound(oldtxtarray) to ubound(newtxtarray)
myarray(a) = wf.substitute( myarray(a), oldtext(b), newtxt(b))
next b
next a
' the rest of code
Thank you so much !