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My chosen default font is properly show in Options, but every new worksheet still uses Calibri 11


Active Member
I've just noticed that although my default font is set to Arial 9—and the Options dialogue shows that to be the case, as I wanted it—every new worksheet I create still starts in Calibri 11.

Is this new? I don't recall seeing it before. Maybe a faulty update? Does anyone know how to fix it so Excel will actually use my default font?
There should be an explanation, indeed.
I do not remember I've ever witnessed that behaviour before.
Maybe you have a theme that overwrites that setting?

Other thing that comes to mind, it might be caused by some VBA or an add-on?
Theme, now there's an interesting hypothesis. I never use themes; I remember experimenting with them a few months ago, but not recently and not in this brand-new worksheet. But of course every so often my fingers betray me and one of my habitual keyboard shortcuts short-circuits and leads me into some hitherto unexplored region of the ribbon; could be that happened recently, and this is the first time I started a new workbook since then. I'll look into it, thanks.

It's not clear to me what VBA could have to do with it. I do a lot of work in VBA, but this workbook started as an .xlsx; in fact after I started programming in it (and saved it as an .xlsm) I had to write a quick VBA to create a new worksheet with the font and size I wanted.
I've just noticed that although my default font is set to Arial 9—and the Options dialogue shows that to be the case, as I wanted it—every new worksheet I create still starts in Calibri 11.

Is this new? I don't recall seeing it before. Maybe a faulty update? Does anyone know how to fix it so Excel will actually use my default font?
It sounds like you might be experiencing a formatting issue in Excel. Try these steps to set the default font:

1. Open Excel and go to the "File" tab.
2. Select "Options" at the bottom of the menu.
3. In the Excel Options dialog box, go to the "General" category.
4. Find the section labeled "When creating new workbooks" and set the font to Arial 9.
5. Click "OK" to save the changes.

If the issue persists, you may want to check for any updates for Excel or try repairing the installation.
It sounds like you might be experiencing a formatting issue in Excel. Try these steps to set the default font:

1. Open Excel and go to the "File" tab.
2. Select "Options" at the bottom of the menu.
3. In the Excel Options dialog box, go to the "General" category.
4. Find the section labeled "When creating new workbooks" and set the font to Arial 9.
5. Click "OK" to save the changes.

If the issue persists, you may want to check for any updates for Excel or try repairing the installation.
That's exactly what the OP explains he did. Not sure this is really helping.
I understand your frustration in general. In that case, you might want to consider uninstalling and reinstalling Excel, ensuring you have the latest updates. Additionally, double-check if there are any conflicting settings in your system or if other Office applications are behaving similarly. If the issue persists, reaching out to Microsoft support for specific assistance could be beneficial.
That's exactly what the OP explains he did. Not sure this is really I understand your frustration. In that case, you might want to consider uninstalling and reinstalling Excel, ensuring you have the latest updates. Additionally, double-check if there are any conflicting settings in your system or if other Office applications are behaving similarly. If the issue persists, reaching out to Microsoft support for specific assistance could be beneficial.
I understand your frustration in general. In that case, you might want to consider uninstalling and reinstalling Excel, ensuring you have the latest updates. Additionally, double-check if there are any conflicting settings in your system or if other Office applications are behaving similarly. If the issue persists, reaching out to Microsoft support for specific assistance could be beneficial.
Before suggesting such drastic measures give the OP some time to experiment with other suggestions. OP's have a tendency to read the last post in the thread, thus ( usually) skipping (some) posts with possible solutions
Answering with AI is a no no on various forums.
(BTW I forgot how to insert the name of a member with a link as you did
Could you please refresh my memory please Thx :(