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Multiple rows in single row


New Member

I have a sheet with more than 2000 records of 1000 students. I need to have only one record per student. How do I insert the second / third / forth records of one student into different columns so that I will have one row per student.

Present format of my sheet

stuNo.Stu Name Course

1 Sachin T XL

1 Sachin T WD

2 Yuvi XL

2 Yuvi WD

2 Yuvi PPT

Required format

StuNo. Stu Name Course1 Course2 Course3 Course4

1 Sachin T XL WD

2 Yuvi XL WD PPT

Please help?
Hi gerpras,

Welcome to the Forums!!

Plase review this file:



You could also use a Pivot Table

Have the user on the Row Headers, Course on the Column Headers

Then add Count Course as the main field

Then Copy paste the table as Values

Then Replace the Count Field (now values) with a formula to lookup the Column Header
Thanks Faseeh and Hui.

I am a novice in Excel and unable to understand the array formula suggested by Faseeh.

I have managed to do the pivot table as mentioned by Hui, but i need the formula to replace the number with the column header.

Count of Course Column Labels

Row Labels A B C

Faseeh 1

Sachin 1 1

Yuvi 1 1 1

Once again thanks