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multiple dependent validation

data validation

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New Member
i have data(List) and i want report like (validation).

my query is:

in validation sheet:- when i am selecting A1,A2,A3,A4 IN ACCOUNT TYPE column in B2,B5,B8,B11 cell and other all relevant data for A1,A2,A3,A4 data should be filled automatically in other cells.

please find the attached sheet for more information.


  • Report.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 10
Hi bobch,
thanks for reply, but i need to fill the data other cells. please go through my attached sheet. u will get my question.

Bob has directed you towards a solution. You are looking for multiple cascading list. I have found 2 cascades manageable, 3 not really - 4 just a simple No. You might want to look at Access for that level of drill down. Or you could consider just using formula as I have set up in the attached.

If the Data in Col B, your A1 A2 etc needs to be a drop down then just make it into one and use the other formula which is in place now for you.

Take care



  • Report sman.xlsx
    10.7 KB · Views: 9
i have data(List) and i want report like (validation).

my query is:

in validation sheet:- when i am selecting A1,A2,A3,A4 IN ACCOUNT TYPE column in B2,B5,B8,B11 cell and other all relevant data for A1,A2,A3,A4 data should be filled automatically in other cells.

please find the attached sheet for more information.
Hi ,

I am not able to get a clear idea of your requirement ; can you please clarify ?

1. Where do you input the raw data ? Is it in the sheet tab named list ?

2. What will you enter in the sheet tab named validation ?

3. If your raw data is on the sheet tab named list , then I find that the account numbers are unique ; is this true ?

Hi Smallman,
thank for your answer, but i am looking this one. please find below my query and sheet.

i have a data in list tab, using this data i have to prepare report in validation sheet.

in validation,
1.if i am selecting B2 cell as A1(it should dropdown and display all A1,A2,A3,A4) automatically data should filled all relevent fields(A2:A4 AND C2:C4,D2:D4)
2. if iam selecting B5 cell as A2(from dropdown list) automatically data should filled all relevent fields(A5:A7 AND C5:C7,D5:D7) .............


  • Report.xlsx
    11.6 KB · Views: 3

I may be seeing things but did you just post the same workbook a second and third time? I am still no closer to knowing what you are after. If you add the drop down function to the file I gave you in Column B I think you have what you are after. Just a little confused by your answer - sorry about that.


Can you use your moderator rights to delete post 8 which looks like a duplicate post for mine.

Here's how I do multiple cascading dropdowns:


  • Dynamic Dependent dropdowns 20130716.xlsm
    28.6 KB · Views: 11
Hi.. I want to input a number in cell which should be multiple of 3 and non multiple or 3 number should be prevented from being entered. Also min number in that cell should be 3 and max 30. How can i get this using Data Validation??