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move filter sign from a pivot table


i have a pivot table that i want to ove into p.p.
the problem is every column has a filter sign.
how can i move the filter sign without lose the tital???
Not a perfect solution, but you can try this:
  • Get slicers for your filter
    • via Ribbon: PivotTable Tools > Options > Insert Slicer
  • Remove the dynamic titles from the pivot
    • via Ribbon: PivotTable Tools > Options > Options (in section PivotTable)
    • in the PivotTable Options (Display-tab) uncheck the "Display field captions and filter drop downs" and click OK
  • Add manual titles
Good day asafraz81

Try this

  1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table and, in the popup menu, click PivotTable Options.
  2. On the Display tab, remove the check mark from Show Expand/Collapse Buttons. This
    hides the buttons to the left of the outer Row Labels and Column Labels.
  3. Remove the check mark from Display Field Captions and Filter Drop Downs. This
    hides the filter buttons, and the Row Labels and Column Labels captions.
  4. Click OK to close the PivotTable Options dialog box.
