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Mirror charts


Chandoo & All Ninjas,

A very Good morning,

I have been searching for a writeup on mirror charts. In fact Chandoo has written an article on that. But he did not talk much about the recipe of that cooking. I thought it may be a secret recipe formula like our KFC items, That's why he kept it secret. BTW, Is it called by any different name in the world of Excel? Anyways I am in need of a mirror chart today.

My data will be one category in Col B(Product), and months will be across Columns C,D,E,F,G etc.

Can any body help me with this.

Thanks for all Ninjas for making this blog a bright place as I can see lot of activity happening and still growing. You are making people better at their workplace by your knowledge sharing. Because as Confucius said "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance", it is very much true that people come here with ignorance and they become enlightened and become fans forever. My only suggestion is just add more fun and humor to make it more colorful.

Thank you Chandoo and all Ninjas.
Hi rkspeaks,

Can you post the link you are talking about?? I have searched but could not find it, perhaps it might be present with some other name.

Are you talking about Camera Tools used in Charts??

Hi Faseeh ,

The reference might be to mirrored charts :


Hey Faseeh,

The above write-up referred by NARAYANK991 just shown the varieties of different charts but not the recipe. That's what the write-up I am referring to, today morning.

Guys, please let me know if anybody knows that this kind of charts are having another name?!?

Chandoo, Your involvement in this query is greatly appreciated and you will become my savior as well if you react quickly. Thanks all.

Please see this file, i have tried to make each of them mentioned in Chandoo's post. Play with these charts and let me know if you stuck somewhere!! :)



Hi Faseeh ,

You might want to see this change to your chart :


Hey Faseeh & Narayank991,

Firstly thanks for being prompt.

Seen your mirrored charts and understood them well. So we don't have to do something great to show the data items in reverse order(below ground level). If a data item is a negative number it automatically shows them below the ground level. I thought we need to make some changes to the axis in order to achieve this.

Anyways, Thanx a lott man,
Hi Narayan,

You have added data labels to the chart?? Yup that i should have added, i though you will be using named ranged to make chart dynamic!! :)

@rkspeak: Yes you are right. and you are welcome any time.
