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merging data in excel from may notepads

Are they all text files ?

Are they all in the same format ?

If the answer is yes

Here is a quick and old school method

Open a CMD window

change directory to where your files are

Dir *.txt > tmp.txt /B

Change the *.txt to suit your files names

edit tmp.txt so that it reads (all the files are listed so it wont take long)

copy File1.txt + File2.txt + File3.txt ... + Filex.txt newfile.txt

save as tmp.bat

run tmp.bat

open excel and import newfile.txt

Have a coffee and wait until the programmers write some VBA code
Glad it helped

It's one of my favorite import techniques

old school, but very quick and always available

For completeness there are other techniques some of are described here


and other are described in the comments
thanx once again.now i want further help.my 50 note pads are keep updating every 15 minutes with the help of some other software.now i want to transfer only new data to new file created as above .is that possible
"How often do you want to do this?" was the other question I forgot to ask.

If the file names don't change you could write a macro to import them and append them to the end of each other on a sheet

a good example is here: http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T003148_Importing_Multiple_Files_to_a_Single_Workbook.html



Or you could look at using an SQL import of text files and then comparing the data in Excel


This will require some automation/macros to shift the data around prior to and after an import
Thanx for reply. i have to do this process frequently as data keep coming in every minute 5 days a week. so i have to the process say every 15 minutes