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MegaFormula in custom Menu??


New Member
Hi guys..

Is there is anyway by which a megaformula (by combinig several formulas) to perform a specific task can be added in my custom menu without using VBA???
No. The formula would need to be stored "somewhere", so you'd have to put it in a UDF, and then you could add it to the custom menu. Curious, what kind of formula were you thinking of adding?
thanks for reply luke.. first of all u r doing great work..keep it up..

the formula is related to my previous question ( whether a word contains vowel) .. actually i have to convert a list of names of company in proper format but also i want that if the first word of name contains less than 4 letter and does not contain any vowels then it should be converted in upper format and rest name should get converted into proper format.. for that i was trying to make a formula which could be added to custom menu..
There's nothing wrong with a huge formula (sometimes), but I hope you aren't avoiding VBA because it's scary. It isn't, and creating custom functions is about the easiest thing you can do with it. Give it a try!