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Marking Status with criteria

Hi Team,

I have the 6 products listed and their status in next column , what i looking for is that if the product X status is found as 1 then i need the result to marking as 1 against all the rows where X is listed even though the status of the same against that specific row is not equal to 1.

I have attached the example file

Thank you for your help.


  • TestStautus.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 8
Thank you G that's exactly is my requirement , however i was able to find a way and now stuck with another situation.

I would need formula to get the count of unique text value with criteria. for example Below have the list from which I need unique count of text which has status as "Yes" in this case it will be 3(Apple,Kiwi,Cherry) for TBD status 1(Strawberry) and No Status 2(Orange,Mango)

Thank you.

Yes Apple
Yes Apple
Yes Apple
No Orange
No Orange
TBD Strawberry
TBD Strawberry
TBD Strawberry
TBD Strawberry
No Mango
No Mango
No Mango