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Map Chart

Hi Chandoo Experts,

I am currently in a chart frenzy mode in excel. I want to learn how to do complex charts and one of them is map charting. In the excel file I have uploaded for you is a map of my home state of Michigan. What I would like to do is chart each city where I have visited, not visited or soon to be visited. I saw a video on this where I have to research the longitude and latitude of each city and put a bubble chart. However my chart didn't come out as I was hoping for and I am stuck. It is in the MAP tab. Just wondering if you all can help on this issue. Thank you . Joe, Michigan.


  • Charts.xlsx
    40.1 KB · Views: 9

A few issues with what you are doing

1. Remember that when using lats and Longs these are taken from the mapping of the location on a Sphere, As such representing them on a Planar/Flat projection as a chart can be done in small areas, but will have errors the further North you go

2. The state of Michigan extends from
Lat 90W to 82W
Long 41.5 to 47.5N

The lats are negative as they are west

Setup the chart as you have then change the Min/Max to the above values

Also change you data to have negative Lats



see attached file

You may want to tweak the Min and Max a Little bit, but its looking fairly close


  • Charts.xlsx
    42.1 KB · Views: 11
Sorry to bother you again. One more question: How do I put in the yes, no, or soon answers by the cities that i have visited? Do I put in a separate text box for them or can format the bubble to reflect that?
You didn’t scale the axis properly and didn’t allow for negative lays

Add labels as a Data Labeks to each series
They can reference a range
And can update when the data changes
To add Been, Soon, Not been you need a series for each

see attached file:


  • Charts-1.xlsx
    43.1 KB · Views: 8
Hi Hui,
I'm sorry. I was talking about the Power Map that was an add in for excel. It wasn't loading up for me. Anyway, I did like what you did to my Michigan map.
Thank you.