Attached is a file with the 6 columns that are going to be relevant (with roughly 4000 rows removed)
My goal is to create a dynamic dashboard that will have tables and charts set up like this:
Drop Down Menu with list of all Regions (including ALL REGIONS as an option)
Drop Down Menu with list of all Reps (including ALL REPS as an option)
Drop Down Menu with two options: Number of Opportunities and Total Estimated Price
By default, all regions/all reps/number of opps will be selected, showing a pivottable and chart with Regions as the rows, probabilities as the columns, and count of opportunities as the body.
When someone chooses a specific region from the drop down, two things will happen:
1) the REPS drop down will automatically filter to only the reps from that specific region
2) the table/chart will automatically update to as if SALES REP was the rows with a filter by that specific region (so if I choose New England, the rows will now be all new england reps)
Is this a possible thing to create?
My goal is to create a dynamic dashboard that will have tables and charts set up like this:
Drop Down Menu with list of all Regions (including ALL REGIONS as an option)
Drop Down Menu with list of all Reps (including ALL REPS as an option)
Drop Down Menu with two options: Number of Opportunities and Total Estimated Price
By default, all regions/all reps/number of opps will be selected, showing a pivottable and chart with Regions as the rows, probabilities as the columns, and count of opportunities as the body.
When someone chooses a specific region from the drop down, two things will happen:
1) the REPS drop down will automatically filter to only the reps from that specific region
2) the table/chart will automatically update to as if SALES REP was the rows with a filter by that specific region (so if I choose New England, the rows will now be all new england reps)
Is this a possible thing to create?