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macro xls error if xlsm


New Member
Hi to all.
This macro was created in 2010 with excel 2000 and it worked with xls.
Now I changed with save as xlsm but there is an error here:

wsOri.Copy before:=wbDest.Sheets(1) 'errore qui se questo workbook è in formato XLSM

Set wsDest = wbDest.ActiveSheet

wsDest.Unprotect "123456"

the error is this:

(translated with google translator)

1004 run-time error
impossible to insert the sheets in the destination workbook because
contains fewer rows and columns than the
work of origin. To move or copy data in the workbook of
destination, you can select them, then in the sheets of another
workbook using the Copy and Paste commands

the macro:

Sub CopiaESalvaInPathX()
'avviso all'avvio

Dim avviso As String

'avviso = MsgBox("Sign. " & Environ("UserName") & " salvo il modulo?" _
'& Chr(13) & "" _
'& Chr(13) & "attenzione:", _
'vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
avviso = MsgBox("Sign. " & Environ("UserName") & " save sheet?" _
& Chr(13) & "" _
& Chr(13) & "attention:", _
vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
  If avviso = 7 Then

  ActiveSheet.Protect "123456"
  Exit Sub
  End If

  If ActiveSheet.Range("Q2") = "" Or ActiveSheet.Range("T2") = "" Then
  'avviso = MsgBox("Sign. " & Environ("UserName") & "" _
  '& Chr(13) & "non hai inserito il nome del CLIENTE/COMMESSA!", _
  'vbCritical, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
  avviso = MsgBox("Sign. " & Environ("UserName") & "" _
  & Chr(13) & "name name1/name2", _
  vbCritical, "attention")
  'If avviso = 7 Then
  'ActiveSheet.Protect "123456"
  Exit Sub
  End If

  'dichiarazioni delle variabili

  Dim wbOri As Workbook
  Dim wsOri As Worksheet
  Dim wbDest As Workbook
  Dim wsDest As Worksheet
  Dim sh As Worksheet
  Dim sPath As String
  Dim sComm1, sComm2, sComm3, sComm4, sComm5, sComm6, sComm7 As String
  Dim sWS As String
  Dim sWB As String
  Dim sData As String
  Dim sNomeFile As String
  Dim nSfx As Long
  Dim nFogliNew As Long
  Dim oShp As Shape
  Dim savechanges As Long

  Dim FSO As Object
  Dim shp As Shape
  Dim testStr As String
  Dim estensione As String
  'Const xlExcel8 As Long = 56
  'Const xlOpenXMLWorkbook As Long = 51
  'per visualizzare errori

  On Error GoTo gest_err
  'impostazioni applicazione
  With Application
  .DisplayAlerts = False
  .ScreenUpdating = False
  nFogliNew = .SheetsInNewWorkbook
  .SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1
  .EnableEvents = False '<<< aggiunto
  End With
  'set degli oggetti
  Set wbOri = ThisWorkbook
  Set wsOri = wbOri.ActiveSheet
  Set wbDest = Application.Workbooks.Add
  sWS = wsOri.Name
  'indirizzo path di salvataggio

  sComm4 = wsOri.Range("Q2").Value '<<< cartella nome cella
  sComm5 = wsOri.Range("T2").Value '<<< cartella nome cella
  sComm6 = sComm4 & "-" & sComm5  '<<< cartella nome cella

  'sPath = "C:\Users\massimo\Desktop\moduli_salvati\" & sComm6 'casa_new
  'sPath = "J:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\" & sComm6 'ufficio cartella comune
  sPath = "C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Desktop\moduli_salvati\" & sComm6 '<<<<<  new prova

  'crea in automatico cartella
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Not FSO.FolderExists(sPath) Then
  FSO.CreateFolder sPath
  End If

'nomi celle nel nome di salvataggio

  sComm1 = wsOri.Range("C3").Value
  sComm2 = wsOri.Range("C4").Value
  sComm3 = wsOri.Range("G4").Value
  sData = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy")

  sWB = "MOD_FAL. COMM. " & sComm1 & " - " & sComm2 & " - " & sComm3 & " (" & sData & ")"


  wsOri.Copy before:=wbDest.Sheets(1) 'errore qui se questo workbook è in formato XLSM
  Set wsDest = wbDest.ActiveSheet
  'wsDest.Unprotect "123456"

  'togliere l'istruzione successiva se il foglio salvato non deve essere protetto
  'wsDest.Protect "123456"
'per fermarsi nella cella del foglio salvato
'Application.Goto Reference:=Range("C3"), scroll:=True
  sPath = sPath & "\" & sWS
  For Each sh In wbDest.Sheets
  If sh.Name <> wsDest.Name Then
  End If
  'controllo/creazione dir da nome foglio
  If Dir(sPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
  MkDir (sPath)
  End If
'loop per creazione nome file progressivo

nSfx = nSfx + 1

'estensione salvataggio

'estensione = ".xls" ' oppure xlsx

estensione = ".xlsx" ' oppure xls
sNomeFile = sPath & "\" & sWB & " - " & nSfx & estensione  'con numero progressivo
'sNomeFile = sPath & "\" & sWB & estensione  'senza numero progressivo

'loop per creazione nome file progressivo

  Loop While Dir(sNomeFile) <> vbNullString

'estensione salvataggio

'If estensione = ".xls" Then
'If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sNomeFile
'ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sNomeFile, FileFormat:=xlExcel8
'End If


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=sNomeFile, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook '<<< per formato xslx

'End If

'se si vuole non si vuole visualizzare il nuovo file togliere l'istruzione successiva (togliere Option Explicit)
  wbDest.Close savechanges = True
'per visualizzare errori
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  MsgBox "Errore " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Errore"
  End If
  Set wsOri = Nothing
  Set wbOri = Nothing
  Set wsDest = Nothing
  Set wbDest = Nothing
  With Application
  .ScreenUpdating = True
  .DisplayAlerts = True
  .SheetsInNewWorkbook = nFogliNew
  .EnableEvents = True
  End With

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  'End If
End Sub

an aid to correct?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I suspect the issue is the order of teh statements

It should be:

Set wsDest = wbDest.ActiveSheet
wsOri.Copy before:=wbDest.Sheets(1)
'wsDest.Unprotect "123456"

Because you cannot use the wbDest object until it is defined
I believe main issue here is difference in row number limit between versions of Excel.

Excel 2000-3 limit is 65,536, where as 2010 limit is 1,048,576.

...impossible to insert the sheets in the destination workbook because
contains fewer rows and columns than the
work of origin.

Hence above message. You can work around it by first opening 2000 format workbook and saving it as 2010 format (not in compatibility mode). Or copying specific range that's smaller than 256 columns and 65,536 rows, instead of inserting sheet.
Hi I found out that the error was not of the macro but in
excel options>file saving
it was inserted: workbook of excel 97/2003
I changed into: excel workbook
no more errors
anyway, thanks to the help of everyone.
A greeting