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Macro to sum values based on condition


New Member

I have a table with 3 columns as in the below table.

When I run a macro I need to get the sum of units based on the date for the names. See output table for your reference.

Name | Date | Units

AAAA | 1/1/13| 9.0

BBBB | 1/1/13| 8.0

AAAA | 1/1/13| 5.0

AAAA | 2/1/13| 6.0

BBBB | 2/1/13| 4.0

CCCC | 2/1/13| 8.0

AAAA | 3/1/13| 7.0

BBBB | 3/1/13| 3.0

CCCC | 3/1/13| 3.0

CCCC | 3/1/13| 5.0

DDDD | 3/1/13| 2.0

CCCC | 3/1/13| 1.0


Name | Date | Units

AAAA | 1/1/13| 14.0

BBBB | 1/1/13| 8.0

AAAA | 2/1/13| 6.0

BBBB | 2/1/13| 4.0

CCCC | 2/1/13| 8.0

AAAA | 3/1/13| 7.0

BBBB | 3/1/13| 3.0

CCCC | 3/1/13| 9.0

DDDD | 3/1/13| 2.0

Please help.
Hi Dhamo,

Simply create a pivot table, put Dates and Name in Row Label and Units in value. Hope that helps.

Thanks Faseeh. Actually I knew this PT option and I had used this earlier for some other file.

I will be creating dynamic chart with the output data, Since I am not sure PT option will help on this.
Hi Dhamo,

Can you please try the below code..

Sub MacroToSum()
Dim oc As Range
' Set your Destination here
Set oc = Range("G1")
DR = Cells(1).CurrentRegion
For i = 1 To UBound(DR)
If InStr(d01 & ",", "," & DR(i, 1) & "|" & DR(i, 2) & ",") = 0 Then
d01 = d01 & "," & DR(i, 1) & "|" & DR(i, 2)
End If
Next i

deb = Split(d01, ",")

For j = 2 To UBound(deb)
raj = Split(deb(j), "|")
oc.Offset(j - 1, 0) = raj(0)
oc.Offset(j - 1, 1) = CDate(raj(1))
oc.Offset(j - 1, 2) = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Range("C2:C" & UBound(DR)), _
Range("A2:A" & UBound(DR)), oc.Offset(j - 1, 0), _
Range("B2:B" & UBound(DR)), oc.Offset(j - 1, 1))
Next j
End Sub


I would make a helper column concatanating Column a and b, and make a sumif on this helper column