I have systeme generated text file which I want to convert in excel coloumn wise, I am recording the Macro for that. I want additional code for below .
1. Go to last blank cell in coloum A and type " Total"
2. Sum of column B1 till last row of B
3. Type "Report" in column C
4. auto save file in c:\Report\( with name "ARN-ddmmyy hh:mm.prn") e.g C:\report\ARN280815 10:37.prn
column A B C
2121 -----100.00 -------jonh
1111 -----200.00------- macho
3333 -----300.00 -------jeorge
(code required for below output)
Total ----600.00 -----Report
1. Go to last blank cell in coloum A and type " Total"
2. Sum of column B1 till last row of B
3. Type "Report" in column C
4. auto save file in c:\Report\( with name "ARN-ddmmyy hh:mm.prn") e.g C:\report\ARN280815 10:37.prn
column A B C
2121 -----100.00 -------jonh
1111 -----200.00------- macho
3333 -----300.00 -------jeorge
(code required for below output)
Total ----600.00 -----Report