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Lookup value is in a cell with other data separated by commas


New Member
Hi All,

I am having trouble with a LOOKUP formula.

Column A contains various codes separated by commas.
I want a LOOKUP formula in Column B that identifies specific codes in Column A and returns a Name from the table (Column D:E)

I am using Excel 2016, so cannot utilise a lot of the formulas found in Office 365.

Document Codes (Column A)Branch Name (Column B)
12345, 54896, 78546, BR002Formula to look up "BR00x" and return Branch Name ... BR002 = London
45895, 58475, BR003, 58956Formula to look up "BR00x" and return Branch Name ... BR003 = Cardiff
45989, BR001, 55889, 12345Formula to look up "BR00x" and return Branch Name ... BR001 = Edinburgh
BR002, 58596, 58859, 12348Formula to look up "BR00x" and return Branch Name ... BR002 = London

Branch Code (Column D)Branch Name (Column E)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Comma LOOKUP Test.xlsx
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Sad about the 365. Solution building in 365 bears little relationship to traditional spreadsheet techniques. At the moment
= XLOOKUP(REGEXEXTRACT(codes, "BR\d{3}"), branch, name)
works but the lookup functions are about to be modified to provide better RegEx support.