New Member
Work book has more than 10 sheets(sheet2,sheet3.........) with values with similar headers.... from A column to Z column.
In each sheet column B has the unique references & column O has another references, with numeric, alpha or alpha numeric.
In same work book will have one MainSheet to have the lookup of references...
Vlookup VBA should work with below conditions.
If I write the reference in A3 of Main Sheet (unique reference) (or) other reference in A4 & by writing the concern sheet name (sheet3, sheet4) in A5
Related valued rows to be pulled from the specific sheet and to be showed in MainSheet.
Note: Values to be pulled based either by Unique reference & Sheet name (or) otherreference & Sheet name.
Kindly share the VBA code where the details comes based on above input.
In each sheet column B has the unique references & column O has another references, with numeric, alpha or alpha numeric.
In same work book will have one MainSheet to have the lookup of references...
Vlookup VBA should work with below conditions.
If I write the reference in A3 of Main Sheet (unique reference) (or) other reference in A4 & by writing the concern sheet name (sheet3, sheet4) in A5
Related valued rows to be pulled from the specific sheet and to be showed in MainSheet.
Note: Values to be pulled based either by Unique reference & Sheet name (or) otherreference & Sheet name.
Kindly share the VBA code where the details comes based on above input.