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Logical condition in IF statement


New Member
Is there any easy way to write a formula which will do the following:


The reason is if there is complex calculation, then the 'if' statement becomes too long and also changes have to be done at 2 places.


Here is a quick one


I wasn't sure if you meant "NA" or NA()
or you could use a named range like

Test =A2*B2-C2+D2*E2

and change the formula to be


I never asked why do you need the Concatenate around the formula?



will do the same job without concatenate?

I'm not sure I understand where SUM(A2:E2) comes into this? If A2:E2 has 1,2,3,4,5 then the SUM is 15, but A2*B2-C2+D2*E2 is 19 and if A2:E2 where blank then it would be zero not "". So maybe this?

If there is anything in A2:E2 then Sum(A2:E2) will be a value and the If will pickup that Sum(A2:E2) is true and execute the formula

If all are blank or 0 the Sum(A2:E2) will be false and the If will execute the NA()
Thanks for the explanations.

What I had put forth was just an example, sorry for the confusion it caused. In reality I wanted to do this

concatenate(A2," - ", b2, " - ", c2) where a2, b2 and c2 are strings. If c2 is empty then the resultant string will have an hyphen at the end, which I wanted to remove.

So using named ranges, my formula became

if(right(Range1,3)=" - ",left(Range1,len(Range1)-3),Range1)

where Range1 is a named range for "=concatenate(A2," - ", b2, " - ", c2)"

Earlier I had to repeat the entire concatenate function at 4 places in the formula above.

Hence, using a named range did the trick.
