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Line graph and filters visualization plot issue


New Member
Hi experts,
I have a set of test data as shown in Test.xlsx .I want to display it in a visualization say line chart as shown in expected visual.jpg in the attached screenshot.
I need to include 3 filters l6, l2,l4 so that when we select these values then the corresponding line graph is formed with k and F values plotted in y and x axis respectively.

I also need to show each of the data point values in the line graph of k and f when I select the filter values in l6,l4,l2. By seeing the line graph, i know which point of K and F values corresponds to which values of l6,l2,l4 .



  • Test.xlsx
    8.7 KB · Views: 3
  • expected visual.jpg
    expected visual.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 9
Explain other words with Your sample file
- what do You expect to get ? ... with better visual sample too.
Explain other words with Your sample file
- what do You expect to get ? ... with better visual sample too.
I want to create a line graph between K and F and create three filters l6,l4,l2 and when the values are selected in each of these filters then it should also show in the line graphs so that i know the corresponding filter values result in this particular data point intersection of k and F , I mean i want to show all the values l6,l4,l2,k and F in a single line chart.

If we go by recommended visuals it will create too many charts and create legends corresponding to it.

It is just my proposal, if you think there is a better way to represent all these data in a single chart, please suggest.

expected visual.jpg and Test.xlsx are the expected graphs and input data sample


  • expected visual.jpg
    expected visual.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 3
  • Test.xlsx
    8.7 KB · Views: 1