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Large Excel File Problems


New Member
I have a couple of problems with two excel files. One is a pivot table and one is its source.

currently the file size of the pivot table is in excess of 100 Meg and the source is in excess of 35 meg. Both get larger with each save. They should be around 6-10 meg for the pivot and a lot less for the source.

As you can guess its causing them to run very slowly now. I have ctr-end and deleted.

Saved as xml, and resaved as a new file (this increased the file size).

Does excel save a history, and is there a way to turn it off ? Or is there anything else i can do

Try the following:

A. Turn Off Share Workbook and Track Changes

B. Ensure any excess sheets you don't need are deleted. ie: When you double click on a Pivot table it shows all the records that make up the query on a new sheet - Delete the new sheets

C. Ctrl Alt F9, then save and re-open

D. Save it as an earlier Version of Excel 97-2003 and re-import it

E. Open it with Open Office and save as Excel format, re-import
Another option would be to change the way you are working slightly:

1) Store the source data in a database (eg import it into an access database)

2) Point the pivot table at the database (eg Data>From Access)rather than at your external Excel sheet.

3) Archive the source Excel file