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Is Chandoo Explicitly VBA (via MS Office Apps)?

Chandoo is absolutely remarkable.

Everyone's been just as helpful and informative since day one.

*special shout out to Luke & Hui especially*

I wish all forums were this aesthetically pleasing, and simplistically elegant.

However, I am now venturing forth into the world of Visual Studio.

Is Chandoo explicitly VBA (via MS Office Apps)?

Or are Visual Basic (Visual Studio) oriented questions welcome as well?

If not, are there any forums as helpful & organized available like this one someone could recommend?
Why I don't think it would be "forbidden" to ask, I think you not as likely to get an answer. Looking at Chandoo's logo, I think the main focus is on Excel, which branches off into using VBA and how it interacts w/ other programs. But I have seen some questions about other topics, such as web queries, tst files, etc., and they do, sometimes, get answered.

If you're looking for a broader base to ask questions, I'd first recommend asking Mr. Google. =)

Beyond that, there's a broad base of users on the microsoft answers forum...this might be a good place to start?
