There are 3 Excercises. Kindly answer this.
Below are Marks of different students of 6 subjects, Final result is pass if the candidate has got alteast 40 marks in each of the subjects. He his marks is less than 40 in one subject, His final result is fail.
Please create a formula in cell I7 to find out his final result. Remember the formula developed should also work for all other data when copied.
Student Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Marks4 Marks5 Marks6 Final Result
A 89 67 67 67 67 67 PASS
B 30 76 76 76 76 76 FAIL
C 40 64 64 64 64 64 PASS
D 50 46 46 46 8 46 FAIL
E 60 45 45 45 45 45 PASS
Below are the data of the varioius invoices that has been pending. I am looking forward for a report as shown across below.
Eg--> All those invoice amounts where the invoice date is within 30 days from todays date needs to be summarized and shown under "0-30 Days", Eg--> If present day is 1st August 2011, then invoice dated 2nd July 2011 is within one month, The Amount of this invoice will come under "0-30 days".
For getting this prepare, you can create any formula or feature in excel.
Kindly let me know the procedures how you will be able to get this done?
Invoice Date Invoice Amount
Expected output Have the sum of the amount falling under this ageing bracket
0-30 days
30-60 days
60-90 Days
above 90 days
Number 1 3 5 7 9
6 18
Kindly develop one formula in any one cell, thru which I can copy and paste to all the cells and I should be able to get the right output.
Eg--> The formula is cell C38 should be the product of Cell C35 and Cells A38. the logic is the product of the header of the same column [vertically] and header of the same row[horizontally]
Below are Marks of different students of 6 subjects, Final result is pass if the candidate has got alteast 40 marks in each of the subjects. He his marks is less than 40 in one subject, His final result is fail.
Please create a formula in cell I7 to find out his final result. Remember the formula developed should also work for all other data when copied.
Student Marks1 Marks2 Marks3 Marks4 Marks5 Marks6 Final Result
A 89 67 67 67 67 67 PASS
B 30 76 76 76 76 76 FAIL
C 40 64 64 64 64 64 PASS
D 50 46 46 46 8 46 FAIL
E 60 45 45 45 45 45 PASS
Below are the data of the varioius invoices that has been pending. I am looking forward for a report as shown across below.
Eg--> All those invoice amounts where the invoice date is within 30 days from todays date needs to be summarized and shown under "0-30 Days", Eg--> If present day is 1st August 2011, then invoice dated 2nd July 2011 is within one month, The Amount of this invoice will come under "0-30 days".
For getting this prepare, you can create any formula or feature in excel.
Kindly let me know the procedures how you will be able to get this done?
Invoice Date Invoice Amount
Expected output Have the sum of the amount falling under this ageing bracket
0-30 days
30-60 days
60-90 Days
above 90 days
Number 1 3 5 7 9
6 18
Kindly develop one formula in any one cell, thru which I can copy and paste to all the cells and I should be able to get the right output.
Eg--> The formula is cell C38 should be the product of Cell C35 and Cells A38. the logic is the product of the header of the same column [vertically] and header of the same row[horizontally]