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Instant Command [SOLVED]


New Member
I have a HP Laser printer and every day at the end

of the day I have many printouts to be taken on a

A4 page from different files.

Is it possible to design an instant button on the

sheet it self where I just click and I get

3 copies of that sheet printed.

I donot want to go to print option and select various options

and then give print. It is taking a lot of time since I have sheet

many files to be printed.
Sure thing. Because printer setups are each very unique, the easiest way would be for you to record a macro of you printing the sheet with all the correct settings. The macro might be able to work just like it's recorded, or you can post it here and we can try to trim/simplify it a little. Then, you can insert a shape/button, and assign your recorded macro to it so that you only have to click the button to print the sheet.

As Luke mentioned, This is a great way to jump into VBA

Don't be afraid to try it and ask questions here

Once you record a macro, you must save the file as a *.xlsm or *.xlsb file type
Hi Luke

Sorry for the delay since I hade to

learn first how to record a macro.

It was good and easy and solved my problem

thanks for the solution.

If I am stuck up with some other issue

I will disturb you.