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Incremented unique identifier

Stephen Spittal

New Member
Good Morning all,

I am struggling with a small task

I am looking to calculate an incrementing Unique Value as shown in the table below for each “CR No” Design Zone and Nominated EDP
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Your data seems sorted, thus perhaps, G2=IF(D2<>D1,G1+1,G1)
and if title is required

=SUM($E$2:E2), based on your unique counter column
Hi ,

It is unfortunate that the count you have manually entered stops after the first CR No of 200521.

What should be the value in cell F52 , for the next CR no of 200235 ?

Tank you both still not giving me the desired results
?, all formulas suggested seems to be working at my end... (Uploaded it with the formulae in it. Had to delete some records to keep size <1mb).
But I noticed the workbook uploaded is in manual calculation... Did you press F9 to recalculate?


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