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If with Range

Adnan Halai

New Member
Hello Experts,

I am working with If function wherein If any one can help with shortcut to complete my action. Below is the table I have. I want to create dynamic formula from Table itself. Is it possible. I already have formula and its working fine.

$0-5000 1.2
$5001-9000 1.3
$9001-14000 1.4
$14001-19000 1.5
$19001-25000 1.6
$25001-35000 1.7
$35000+ 1.8

=If(B12<0,"Invalid Input",if(ANd(B12>=0,B12<=5000),1.2,if(ANd(B12>=5001,B12<=9000),1.3,
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This has been done in past examples using a User Defined Function (UDF) - let me know if that is of interest, and I'll dig up the material on it ...

It's a regular request around here - usually for Fees or Commission schedules