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If my string of a cell contains keyword matching from list then results must be that keyword only.


Good day!

I am stuck at an argument, I tried with multiple INDEX+MATCH+COUNTIF combination formulas but not getting the result.

If my string of a cell contains keyword matching from list then results must be that keyword only.

Else, if no keyword is match with master-list then result must be "STOP".

But additional condition is a cell can contained more than 1 strings separated by "+".

The below bold highlights is for reference purpose only.


Please check below examples and attachment.



  • search.xlsx
    12.2 KB · Views: 2
Try in cell BR2:
and in cell BS2:
both copied down.
Cell BR8 has the only difference from your expected results.

Thanks for your response.

Unfortunately, the TEXTJOIN fx is not working in MS 2016.

Any alternative option?

For Excel2016 I can only suggest a UDF:
Function FindCodes(ProdCode, Codes)
Dim result As String
For Each code In Codes.Cells
  If InStr(1, ProdCode.Value, code.Value, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
    result = result & "+" & code.Value
  End If
Next code
If Len(result) > 0 Then result = Right(result, Len(result) - 1) Else result = "STOP"
FindCodes = result
End Function
Put the code in a standard code-module and use it thus on the sheet on row 2 somewhere:
and copy down.

Thanks you very much for your response.

The function you provided is excellent and working very good.

I would appreciate, if you make correction in below highlighted 2 conditions;

1. As the keyword "GYM" is not listed in the classification, but last cell in BR column, the output is "LIQ" only which is incorrect. This must be "LIQ+STOP". [However, if product code is only "MH76GYML" without "+" then result output is correct i.e. "STOP", but not working with dual products]

2. The third product code in column X is "MH35SOLT+KQ71GASL", but results with your function is "GAS+SOL". However, the correct results should be "SOL+GAS", must be in sequence.


I hope I able to explain you.

I will be thanksful if you resolve my this issue as well.

Function FindCodes(ProdCode, Codes)
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
RawCodes = Codes.Value
'Filter out blank codes:
Count = -1
ReDim Codes(-1 To 0)
If IsArray(RawCodes) Then
  For Each RCode In RawCodes
    x = Application.Trim(RCode)
    If Len(x) > 0 Then
      Count = Count + 1
      ReDim Preserve Codes(0 To Count)
      Codes(Count) = x
    End If
  Next RCode
  x = Application.Trim(RawCodes)
  If Len(x) > 0 Then
    ReDim Codes(0 To 0)
    Codes(0) = x
  End If
End If
x = ProdCode.Value
y = Split(x, "+")
If UBound(y) >= 0 And LBound(Codes) <> -1 Then
  ReDim pCodesOut(LBound(y) To UBound(y)) As String
  Count = LBound(y) - 1
  For Each pcode In y
    Count = Count + 1
    NoStop = False
    For Each code In Codes
      If InStr(1, pcode, code, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        If dict.Exists(code) Then
          NoStop = True
          dict.Add code, code
          If Len(pCodesOut(Count)) = 0 Then pCodesOut(Count) = code Else pCodesOut(Count) = pCodesOut(Count) & "," & code
        End If
      End If
    Next code
    If Len(pCodesOut(Count)) = 0 And Not NoStop Then pCodesOut(Count) = "STOP"
  Next pcode
  ReDim pCodesOut2(0 To 0) As String
  Count = LBound(y) - 1
  For Each pcodeOut In pCodesOut
    If Len(pcodeOut) > 0 Then
      Count = Count + 1
      ReDim Preserve pCodesOut2(0 To Count)
      pCodesOut2(Count) = pcodeOut
    End If
  Next pcodeOut
  FindCodes = Join(pCodesOut2, "+")
  FindCodes = ""
End If
End Function
Last edited:

The updated codes are excellent and 100% working without any challenges.

Thanks you very much.

This forum and active members are always give me positive responses.

Stay blessed.

Thanks and Regards,